MapRun6 Releases
For Beta testers, if you have problems downloading the latest beta version, see here.
Version 6.5.10 (5 Nov 2021)
Summary (V6.5.10):
Details (V6.5.10):
Event Information
NFC tag punching
“Any Track”
Sound Options
In addition, MapRunView is now ready for broader use. This is the App that provides “Live Tracking” of participants in an Event. For more details see: and
MapRun6 6.4.2 (106) 6 Jul 2021
The minimum Android version is now 6.0 Marshmallow
Added languages:
- Spanish, Italian, Russian, Polish, Lithuanian (in addition to English, French, German and Hungarian)
- some minor screen layout changes to fit longer text
- language used is recorded with App version in the result file
Map now supports 2-finger rotate
QR code punching now works for “Start Anywhere” events
User Agreement & Privacy Policy now points to (not myomaps website) and has a link to more detailed information
Line courses:
- on map now show control sequence on course and control Id eg 3 (34)
- similarly in punching alerts/toast and Last:
- in results, any extra punches now get marked as (Extra) like in Scatter events.
Fix to hits of MapRunLink whilst already running in an event (ensure stop previous track recoding on forced exit).
Participate to-from DateTime was displaying in UTC rather than local (only on error dialog)
Now uses https for all API calls
Latest versions of dev tools and modules
- Kotlin version updated
- Strava minor changes to use latest libraries (fixes interdependency with MapRunLink)
- Strava now imported into project so changes can be made to keep it compatible
- Auto set of MapRun6 version id throughout
MapRun6 6.3.8 (98) 20 April 2021
Internationalisation into French, German and Hungarian
MapRunLink - Allows a weblink to be used to open MapRun6 with a particular event loaded.
MapRun6 6.1.8 - Jan 2021
Version 6 is currently published as a separate App (MapRun6) that can co-exist with MapRunF (and the old MapRun).
This version needs Android 5.0 or iOS 9 (MapRunF 5.0.9 needed Android 4.3.3 or iOS 8)
New or Enhanced Features
Added a supplementary location service to enhance reliability/compatibly of tracking across device makes/models/versions (There are settings to allow this to be switched on/off). The supplementary service currently may reduce the incidence of cases where tracking is slow to start (Red bar at the bottom of the main run screen), however it only tracks when MapRunF is in the foreground (on both Android and iOS), and so is recommended only as a supplement to the main location service. See more details here.
Added tag-based punching (as distinct from GPS-based punching). See more details here. QR Codes are supported in this version. NFC tags may be supported in future versions.
“Show Me” – Admins can now set events where the participant is allowed to see their current location on the map for 20 seconds, for a maximum number of times in the event (for example allowed 3 times). The default is that this option is NOT available, but if it is available in an event, an extra button is displayed in the top right of the screen. If “parameter-based” scoring is used (ScoreP), it is possible to apply a “penalty” against the runner’s score for each use of “ShowMe” in Score events.
Parameter-based scoring (ScoreP) option introduced so organisers can customise the scoring scheme rather than use one of the pre-determined schemes. (Not available in QuickStart or CheckSites events). An addition has been made to the Admin Console to test proposed Scoring Schemes. More details here.
Date Ranges (From and To) – Administrators can now set date ranges for Events for:
The minimum version of the MapRunF required for an event can be enforced (checked on “Select Event”). This allows Admins to be sure that all participants are using a version of MapRunF that supports the features they are using in their event. (eg require v4.8.8 for Start Anywhere, v6.0.0+ for live tracking)
Access to Results in all events ("All Events") from within MapRunF (in addition to a link to "All Results" results in the current event).
Admins can now set an event that does not display a map screen at all. In this case, the first of the 3 tabs on the main Run Screen will be removed, leaving only 2-tabs: Dashboard and GPS data.
This can be useful for events where the location of controls needs to be determined by a clue or detection e.g.:
To help in cases where the map has been accidentally “panned” off the screen:
The runner’s phone number is now included in the result file and the “Start Token” that is uploaded to the server when a runner punches S1. This is to assist in Covid-19 record-keeping, and for emergency contact by the organiser.
Background Sound on iPhones – The sound when punching a control on an iPhone when MapRunF is in the background (i.e. normally with the screen blank), has been the default iOS “Notification” sound. This has now been changed to the same beep as is used in the foreground.
There is now a “Recent” button on the “Select Event” screen to return the user to the folder they most recently visited. If the user always gets their event from UK/MyRegion/MySeries, then tapping this button will take them directly back to that folder.
Admins can now allow events with a PIN to be sent to a Garmin Watch without having to enter the PIN. This is now the default, and it is to allow the event to be passed to the watch while the runner is at home (with a data connection) rather than at the event when the PIN would be provided (but data connection may not be available). Admins can switch this off.
Restructured the approach take for Live Tracking – This allows live tracking to be deployed to a wider user base. Event Administrators should contact [email protected] for more information. Further work on this is ongoing.
New Options & Settings
Bug Fixes
Strava interface has been updated (and should now work reliably)
Upgraded to meet Google’s requirements re access to Location data
A “quick-peek” of an event does not create a track. That is, if you “Go to Start” and then exit (and confirm) within 30 secs, no track (and no result) will be recorded (unnecessarily cluttering your list of results).
Fixed Score<x>00 – i.e. zero-time score events are meant to be time-unlimited with no penalty
Fixed tracks retrieved from Garmin (MapRunG), in some cases did not include altitude
Upgraded to latest version of Crashlytics (crash reporting service)
Fixed result files sometimes did not include the name of the map
Improved pivot controls on Line courses which were not changing to green properly after the first punch
Fixed misspelling of Strava in various places
Fixes potential for bypass of a PIN, by loading a Garmin track to view a track against a PIN-locked event
20200703 5.0.8 / 5.0.9
Version 5 of MapRunF introduces the companion App MapRunG that runs on a Garmin Watch.
20200416 4.8.8+1 (versionCode 52 in Android)
The following outlines the changes since version 4.8.4:
Upload Track to Strava: Upgraded to the latest version of the Strava interface for improved reliability
Results Uploads: Results only autoupload where this is explicitly set as the setting for the event. We have been getting autouploads for QuickStart and CheckSites in some cases. Users can still tap Manual Upload from the menu on the results page. (or change the setting to AutoUpload in “Options and Settings”)
Here is a video that demo’s the following two features:
Create KMZ Map: Use an image/photo of a Map as your map in MapRunF. This new feature allows you to create a geo-referenced map (KMZ format) from a photo. You just need to identify two features on the map and the two corresponding points on the Earth in a Google Satellite imagery.
You can then use the map:
In v4.8.8 there is a prompt to the user about copyright and permission to access land.
QuickStart Enhancements:
QuickStart has been enhanced:
Start Anywhere:
Here is a video that demo’s this feature:
In addition to any of the other event type parameters, the organiser can now designate an event to allow runners to start at any control on the course.
The first control that a runner visits becomes the start and finish control for their run. The course is dynamically reconfigured as soon as the runner visits the first control and the updated course is shown in the main run screen in MapRunF.
I have updated the “Events Type” page on the website and it now provide a link to a full page on this feature.
Option to stop controls turning Green:
There is a new option in the MapRunF options when setting up an event to turn off the default behaviour (of controls turning green when punched).
Please only use MapRun consistent with any local Covid-19 lockdown restrictions.
20200213 4.8.4+47
Latest version of tools
Mac13 Latest version - WORKING with
assets_audio_player for sound (instead of audioplayers)
vibration (instead of vibrate)
webview_flutter (as original but upgraded, having tried flutter_native_web)
Bottom bar traffic light gps colours
Don't start mass start if > 1km from start
20200211 4.7.5+45
Mass Start:
-fixed if > 1hour late waits for normal punching start (rather than punch immediately)
-now checks for normal mass start and for late start < 1hour late, that the location is within one km of the start. Prompts user to exit and check event and/or GPS.
-Traffic light colours on the bottom bar of the main Run Screen.
-Normal green if the GPS is OK
-Yellow if the GPS is getting data but the reported accuracy is worse than 25m
20200125 4.7.2.+42
-iOS – now only needs Location permissions “While Using the App” and not “Always”
-“Select Event” from the server now times out and gives error messages relating to the status of the network connection
-Increased logging of key events including
-Changed the default setting for Live Tracking to be Off, and added a new setting for the frequency of live tracking updates (yet to be fully implemented)
-Improved notifications on Punching – now included x/y controls; and doesn’t show time remaining where that is not relevant
-[Bug Fix] PXAS events (non-score) could report OK if there were duplicate punches
-[Bug fix] Removed a situation where the internal database could become locked and potentially prevent recording of the track
-[Bug fix] Removed a scenario where a resume of a Mass Start event could give warnings
20190106 4.7.1+41
Fixes bug in 4.7.0 where upon a Mass Start, some test locations were being injected into the geo-location system (before the real locations flowed)
20191223 – and pushed to Stores on 20200106 4.7.0+40
-Improved timers so they are not affected by sleeping the phone
-Improvements to Mass Start functions
-Bug fixes for PXASxx and ScoreB events
[Bug Fix] Revised timer approach to Mass Start countdown and elapsed time and time remaining during a run. This is to overcome an issue with running MapRunF in the background (blank screen/phone sleeping). in some circumstances it could ‘lose time’ on the displayed times(although the punch times and overall time remained accurate).
-Now recalculates the time between now and the time S1 was punched every 0.5 secs
-And a similar approach for the Mass Start countdown
[Bug Fix] Fixed PXASxx scoring – It was incorrectly counting S1 and F1 in the total of controls visited
[Bug Fix] Fixed a bug if a Mass Start occurred when the location was null (ie before the GPS has a fix).
[Bug Fix] Fixed bug in ScoreB scoring
[Bug Fix] Changed sequencing of the start to ensure the new track is created before S1 is punched.
[Enhancement] Allows for PIN expiry time to have minutes (optionally) ie either hhddmmyyyy or mmhhddmmyyyy. This is not meant to encourage odd times, but this helps with testing of Mass Start events. (NOTE that MapRun does not support this (only MapRunF), so don’t create events using this feature unless you are sure all users will be using MapRunF (and not MapRun or MyOMaps).
[Enhancement] Now requires the PIN to be entered to see results on the phone when the time is before the Mass Start time (only relevant if the runner aborts a Mass Start countdown).
[Enhancement} Crashlytics (Crash reporting) – added an eventName tag to crash records
[Enhancement} For testing – the GPS test track only starts for a Mass Start event when S1 is punched.
[Enhancement] Uses latest version of Flutter_Map (version: "0.7.3")
Known issues:
-It is best to have the App awake for a Mass Start
-MapRunF produces a result file that can be incompatible with the export of Orienteering Victoria results export (the export itself will be updated to accept this format)
Further fix to Mass Start
Further fix to Mass Start
Only published to for testing
Moved the timer into RunView
20191021MapRunF 4.5.0+35
First build on Mac13-19
upgraded tools etc
+31try a pod update
20190925 4.4.0+30
Trying to attend to App Store issue:
ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - Apple will stop accepting submissions of apps that use UIWebView APIs . See for more information.
20190925 4.4.0+28
Additional Features:
See the MapRunF earlier release notes here.
MapRun Releases
Note that updates are only being made now to MapRunF.
20181230 Release 50.9 Android and 10.0.6 iOS
Improved handling of unicode runners names and event names
20191025 Release 50.5 Android and 10.0.0 iOS
Introduced Mass Start events and related enhancements
20180416 Release 45.0 maprun (Android) and 8.0.1 maprun (iOS)
Additional scoring schemes: ScoreB and ScoreM. See Details.
The Android version now supports resuming a partially completed event:
Minor bug fixes.
Previous Releases:
20180112 Release 41.2 maprun (Android) 7.0.1 maprun (iOS)
maprun becomes the main App for participants in events:
MapRun is now the main App for runners in pre-organised events, taking over from MyOMaps Club
Strava Upload
A foreground notification has been added to the Notification Bar (top of the screen) so that reliability of recording in the background is improved on newer versions of Android..
For earlier releases, see the Release page on the MyOMaps website.
Summary (V6.5.10):
- Event Information
- MapRun can now provide access to related information about events (via links or PDF documents eg a link to a Club website or a PDF map to print)
- NFC tag punching
- simple contact-less punching using inexpensive NFC tags
- “Any Track” to allow users to run with any GPS device and upload their track from Strava to create a result in a MapRun event
- Sound options for the sound that plays when punching a control
- User profiles of multiple users in the one phone (to allow easy switching of users for shared phones or shared Garmin Watches with MapRunG)
- Improvements to Location Pins - as typically used by mappers or those checking maps/course on site - text is now not shown on the map, but appears as a popup when tapped
- Danish has been added as a language
Details (V6.5.10):
Event Information
- MapRunLinks provide a direct link to a particular event in MapRun6 from a website (or QRCode on a map etc)
- But with an event selected in the MapRun6 App on your phone, it has been difficult to connect to the organiser’s website or to other information about the event
- This feature is described here:
NFC tag punching
- This is similar to the existing QR-Code punching, but using a short-distance swipe of inexpensive NFC tags
- For events where flags or permanent markers are placed in the field, this provides an alternative with QR-Codes and provides proximity punching
- Note that not all phones support NFC punching
- See:
“Any Track”
- This feature is in response to requests from Clubs/individuals who want to simply record their track while running in a MapRun Event (and NOT get beeps at controls)
- This feature allows runners to conveniently retrieve their track and import it into MapRun within the MapRun6 App on their phone to create a result. (This is a more streamlined approach than the existing web-based “GPS Track Upload”)
- We have decided to retrieve tracks from Strava as the most common repository of tracks that works with all(?) different brand
- See a summary of all of options to participate in a MapRun Event (Smartphone, Garmin watch, Any GPS watch):
- Details of “Any Track” are at:
Sound Options
- The setting to change the punch sound in “Options and Settings” has been locked to date. In this version, we offer 20 different sounds that can be played upon punching a control. In “Options and Settings” scroll to almost the bottom of all of the settings and change “Alert Sound”. As this version only uses location notifications (for consistent sounds in both foreground and background modes), it is important to ensure that MapRun6 is given permission to use “Banner Notifications”.
- The phone settings page has been updated with further information on this:
In addition, MapRunView is now ready for broader use. This is the App that provides “Live Tracking” of participants in an Event. For more details see: and
MapRun6 6.4.2 (106) 6 Jul 2021
The minimum Android version is now 6.0 Marshmallow
Added languages:
- Spanish, Italian, Russian, Polish, Lithuanian (in addition to English, French, German and Hungarian)
- some minor screen layout changes to fit longer text
- language used is recorded with App version in the result file
Map now supports 2-finger rotate
QR code punching now works for “Start Anywhere” events
User Agreement & Privacy Policy now points to (not myomaps website) and has a link to more detailed information
Line courses:
- on map now show control sequence on course and control Id eg 3 (34)
- similarly in punching alerts/toast and Last:
- in results, any extra punches now get marked as (Extra) like in Scatter events.
Fix to hits of MapRunLink whilst already running in an event (ensure stop previous track recoding on forced exit).
Participate to-from DateTime was displaying in UTC rather than local (only on error dialog)
Now uses https for all API calls
Latest versions of dev tools and modules
- Kotlin version updated
- Strava minor changes to use latest libraries (fixes interdependency with MapRunLink)
- Strava now imported into project so changes can be made to keep it compatible
- Auto set of MapRun6 version id throughout
MapRun6 6.3.8 (98) 20 April 2021
Internationalisation into French, German and Hungarian
MapRunLink - Allows a weblink to be used to open MapRun6 with a particular event loaded.
MapRun6 6.1.8 - Jan 2021
Version 6 is currently published as a separate App (MapRun6) that can co-exist with MapRunF (and the old MapRun).
This version needs Android 5.0 or iOS 9 (MapRunF 5.0.9 needed Android 4.3.3 or iOS 8)
New or Enhanced Features
Added a supplementary location service to enhance reliability/compatibly of tracking across device makes/models/versions (There are settings to allow this to be switched on/off). The supplementary service currently may reduce the incidence of cases where tracking is slow to start (Red bar at the bottom of the main run screen), however it only tracks when MapRunF is in the foreground (on both Android and iOS), and so is recommended only as a supplement to the main location service. See more details here.
Added tag-based punching (as distinct from GPS-based punching). See more details here. QR Codes are supported in this version. NFC tags may be supported in future versions.
“Show Me” – Admins can now set events where the participant is allowed to see their current location on the map for 20 seconds, for a maximum number of times in the event (for example allowed 3 times). The default is that this option is NOT available, but if it is available in an event, an extra button is displayed in the top right of the screen. If “parameter-based” scoring is used (ScoreP), it is possible to apply a “penalty” against the runner’s score for each use of “ShowMe” in Score events.
Parameter-based scoring (ScoreP) option introduced so organisers can customise the scoring scheme rather than use one of the pre-determined schemes. (Not available in QuickStart or CheckSites events). An addition has been made to the Admin Console to test proposed Scoring Schemes. More details here.
Date Ranges (From and To) – Administrators can now set date ranges for Events for:
- When the event can be participated in (checked on “Go to Start”)
- When the results table will be displayed
- When the tracks will be displayed
The minimum version of the MapRunF required for an event can be enforced (checked on “Select Event”). This allows Admins to be sure that all participants are using a version of MapRunF that supports the features they are using in their event. (eg require v4.8.8 for Start Anywhere, v6.0.0+ for live tracking)
Access to Results in all events ("All Events") from within MapRunF (in addition to a link to "All Results" results in the current event).
Admins can now set an event that does not display a map screen at all. In this case, the first of the 3 tabs on the main Run Screen will be removed, leaving only 2-tabs: Dashboard and GPS data.
- This is to allow for events where the map/controls are not revealed by MapRun, but rather via a printed map or clue sheets or other means.
- If the map is displayed, Admins can now set when controls are displayed:
- Normal - both before and after punching (and optionally turn green on punching)
- Do not show on the map until punched, or
- Do not show on the map at all.
This can be useful for events where the location of controls needs to be determined by a clue or detection e.g.:
- Novelty events with a clue sheet (a multiple choice question could determine the next control from a large set printed on a map)
- “Radio Direction Finder” events, where radio equipment is used to “find” controls
To help in cases where the map has been accidentally “panned” off the screen:
- the “Re-Centre” button on the bottom left of the screen will re-centre the map/course on the screen,
- in the case where current location is being shown, the button will re-centre on the runner’s present position (not the centre of the map/course).
The runner’s phone number is now included in the result file and the “Start Token” that is uploaded to the server when a runner punches S1. This is to assist in Covid-19 record-keeping, and for emergency contact by the organiser.
Background Sound on iPhones – The sound when punching a control on an iPhone when MapRunF is in the background (i.e. normally with the screen blank), has been the default iOS “Notification” sound. This has now been changed to the same beep as is used in the foreground.
There is now a “Recent” button on the “Select Event” screen to return the user to the folder they most recently visited. If the user always gets their event from UK/MyRegion/MySeries, then tapping this button will take them directly back to that folder.
Admins can now allow events with a PIN to be sent to a Garmin Watch without having to enter the PIN. This is now the default, and it is to allow the event to be passed to the watch while the runner is at home (with a data connection) rather than at the event when the PIN would be provided (but data connection may not be available). Admins can switch this off.
Restructured the approach take for Live Tracking – This allows live tracking to be deployed to a wider user base. Event Administrators should contact [email protected] for more information. Further work on this is ongoing.
New Options & Settings
- Send Track to Strava – Off (default)/Prompts/Always
- Depending on this setting, the runners track will always be sent to Strava, or they will be prompted on each occasion
- Background Map Options (ie the map behind the Orienteering Map – or if there is no orienteering map)
- The default background map is now Open Street Maps
- Options exist for:
- Satellite imagery (as per previous versions of MapRunF)
- Open Street Map
- No background
- Satellite imagery is valuable in QuickStart or CheckSites in cases where there is no Orienteering Map, or where the transparency of the Orienteering map is changed to show its alignment – but otherwise satellite imagery is unnecessary and results in extra license costs for MapRunF.
- Settings to control the supplementary location service (as mentioned above)
- Settings display of the date ranges set by the Admin for this event – not editable (as mentioned above)
- Settings display – not editable (as mentioned above)
- Display of map
- Display of controls (Normal/Only after punching/Not at All)
- Display of controls applies to S1 and F1 too/not
- Show my location – number of times available
- PIN required to send event to Garmin Watch – Yes/No
Bug Fixes
Strava interface has been updated (and should now work reliably)
Upgraded to meet Google’s requirements re access to Location data
A “quick-peek” of an event does not create a track. That is, if you “Go to Start” and then exit (and confirm) within 30 secs, no track (and no result) will be recorded (unnecessarily cluttering your list of results).
Fixed Score<x>00 – i.e. zero-time score events are meant to be time-unlimited with no penalty
Fixed tracks retrieved from Garmin (MapRunG), in some cases did not include altitude
Upgraded to latest version of Crashlytics (crash reporting service)
Fixed result files sometimes did not include the name of the map
Improved pivot controls on Line courses which were not changing to green properly after the first punch
Fixed misspelling of Strava in various places
Fixes potential for bypass of a PIN, by loading a Garmin track to view a track against a PIN-locked event
20200703 5.0.8 / 5.0.9
Version 5 of MapRunF introduces the companion App MapRunG that runs on a Garmin Watch.
20200416 4.8.8+1 (versionCode 52 in Android)
The following outlines the changes since version 4.8.4:
- Updated Strava Interface
- Results only auto-upload when explicitly set so for the event
- Create a KMZ Map - new feature to create a map from an image/photo
- QuickStart - new features allowing use of a map and editing of an existing QuickStart event
- Start AnyWhere Option
- Option to NOT have controls turn green upon punching.
Upload Track to Strava: Upgraded to the latest version of the Strava interface for improved reliability
Results Uploads: Results only autoupload where this is explicitly set as the setting for the event. We have been getting autouploads for QuickStart and CheckSites in some cases. Users can still tap Manual Upload from the menu on the results page. (or change the setting to AutoUpload in “Options and Settings”)
Here is a video that demo’s the following two features:
Create KMZ Map: Use an image/photo of a Map as your map in MapRunF. This new feature allows you to create a geo-referenced map (KMZ format) from a photo. You just need to identify two features on the map and the two corresponding points on the Earth in a Google Satellite imagery.
You can then use the map:
- as the background map to a QuickStart event, or
- you can export the KMZ file to be used in a CheckSites event (or a published event, if it is of sufficient quality)
In v4.8.8 there is a prompt to the user about copyright and permission to access land.
QuickStart Enhancements:
QuickStart has been enhanced:
- Editing: previously you could not change a QuickStart event you had created. Now you can select your existing QuickStart event in the Local Events list, tap the Edit button, and you can then edit the event. (Delete controls, replace controls with ones in new locations, re-order controls) and then save the event as another event
- Adding a Map: You can now select a map used in one of the other events in your Local Events list and use this as the map for a QuickStart event. Currently you can only select maps you have imported (and not maps from published public events). The maps available are ones that you have ‘created’ with “Create KMZ Map”, or you have used in a CheckSite event (one you have created or one that has been shared with you via the 6-digit code), or one you have imported from your PC to your Android phone.
- There is a new MapRunF setting that Admins can change if they want to allow sharing of the map for their published event.
Start Anywhere:
Here is a video that demo’s this feature:
In addition to any of the other event type parameters, the organiser can now designate an event to allow runners to start at any control on the course.
The first control that a runner visits becomes the start and finish control for their run. The course is dynamically reconfigured as soon as the runner visits the first control and the updated course is shown in the main run screen in MapRunF.
I have updated the “Events Type” page on the website and it now provide a link to a full page on this feature.
Option to stop controls turning Green:
There is a new option in the MapRunF options when setting up an event to turn off the default behaviour (of controls turning green when punched).
Please only use MapRun consistent with any local Covid-19 lockdown restrictions.
20200213 4.8.4+47
Latest version of tools
Mac13 Latest version - WORKING with
assets_audio_player for sound (instead of audioplayers)
vibration (instead of vibrate)
webview_flutter (as original but upgraded, having tried flutter_native_web)
Bottom bar traffic light gps colours
Don't start mass start if > 1km from start
20200211 4.7.5+45
Mass Start:
-fixed if > 1hour late waits for normal punching start (rather than punch immediately)
-now checks for normal mass start and for late start < 1hour late, that the location is within one km of the start. Prompts user to exit and check event and/or GPS.
-Traffic light colours on the bottom bar of the main Run Screen.
-Normal green if the GPS is OK
-Yellow if the GPS is getting data but the reported accuracy is worse than 25m
- In this condition, the track is recorded, but controls won’t punch (to avoid spurious GPS data punching controls at a distance eg whilst your phone is improving it’s fix before the start).
20200125 4.7.2.+42
-iOS – now only needs Location permissions “While Using the App” and not “Always”
-“Select Event” from the server now times out and gives error messages relating to the status of the network connection
-Increased logging of key events including
- All Mass Start steps
- App start/Resume
- App changes from foreground to background and vice versa
-Changed the default setting for Live Tracking to be Off, and added a new setting for the frequency of live tracking updates (yet to be fully implemented)
-Improved notifications on Punching – now included x/y controls; and doesn’t show time remaining where that is not relevant
-[Bug Fix] PXAS events (non-score) could report OK if there were duplicate punches
-[Bug fix] Removed a situation where the internal database could become locked and potentially prevent recording of the track
-[Bug fix] Removed a scenario where a resume of a Mass Start event could give warnings
20190106 4.7.1+41
Fixes bug in 4.7.0 where upon a Mass Start, some test locations were being injected into the geo-location system (before the real locations flowed)
20191223 – and pushed to Stores on 20200106 4.7.0+40
-Improved timers so they are not affected by sleeping the phone
-Improvements to Mass Start functions
-Bug fixes for PXASxx and ScoreB events
[Bug Fix] Revised timer approach to Mass Start countdown and elapsed time and time remaining during a run. This is to overcome an issue with running MapRunF in the background (blank screen/phone sleeping). in some circumstances it could ‘lose time’ on the displayed times(although the punch times and overall time remained accurate).
-Now recalculates the time between now and the time S1 was punched every 0.5 secs
-And a similar approach for the Mass Start countdown
[Bug Fix] Fixed PXASxx scoring – It was incorrectly counting S1 and F1 in the total of controls visited
[Bug Fix] Fixed a bug if a Mass Start occurred when the location was null (ie before the GPS has a fix).
[Bug Fix] Fixed bug in ScoreB scoring
[Bug Fix] Changed sequencing of the start to ensure the new track is created before S1 is punched.
[Enhancement] Allows for PIN expiry time to have minutes (optionally) ie either hhddmmyyyy or mmhhddmmyyyy. This is not meant to encourage odd times, but this helps with testing of Mass Start events. (NOTE that MapRun does not support this (only MapRunF), so don’t create events using this feature unless you are sure all users will be using MapRunF (and not MapRun or MyOMaps).
[Enhancement] Now requires the PIN to be entered to see results on the phone when the time is before the Mass Start time (only relevant if the runner aborts a Mass Start countdown).
[Enhancement} Crashlytics (Crash reporting) – added an eventName tag to crash records
[Enhancement} For testing – the GPS test track only starts for a Mass Start event when S1 is punched.
[Enhancement] Uses latest version of Flutter_Map (version: "0.7.3")
Known issues:
-It is best to have the App awake for a Mass Start
- There can be some unreliability in detecting the Mass Start on Android if the App/Phone is asleep at the time of the Mass Start.
- It is recommended that during “perusal time” that the App be displayed on the screen and the user should confirm that they can see their location on the map – to confirm that the GPS has a fix and is recording their location, prior to the Mass Start occurring
-MapRunF produces a result file that can be incompatible with the export of Orienteering Victoria results export (the export itself will be updated to accept this format)
Further fix to Mass Start
Further fix to Mass Start
Only published to for testing
Moved the timer into RunView
20191021MapRunF 4.5.0+35
First build on Mac13-19
upgraded tools etc
+31try a pod update
20190925 4.4.0+30
Trying to attend to App Store issue:
ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - Apple will stop accepting submissions of apps that use UIWebView APIs . See for more information.
20190925 4.4.0+28
- ScoreN, B, W now working
- PXAS wasn’t showing splits in result table
- NXOFF (silent mode) now implemented
- Allows install on SD card on Android
- Start now shows as a triangle and Finish as a double circle
- User Agreement acceptance is now included in the Name entry screen
- Enhanced error checking on KMZ and KML files
- Fine-tuned the default event settings for Imported Events and QuickStart Events
Additional Features:
- Review Results (HITMO - Hey I think the GPS Missed One) allows user to add extra controls and submit a revised result
- Strava upload
- Options for style and size of Location Pins
See the MapRunF earlier release notes here.
MapRun Releases
Note that updates are only being made now to MapRunF.
20181230 Release 50.9 Android and 10.0.6 iOS
Improved handling of unicode runners names and event names
20191025 Release 50.5 Android and 10.0.0 iOS
Introduced Mass Start events and related enhancements
20180416 Release 45.0 maprun (Android) and 8.0.1 maprun (iOS)
Additional scoring schemes: ScoreB and ScoreM. See Details.
The Android version now supports resuming a partially completed event:
- If a problem occurs – App problem, App crash, Phone problem, user shuts down App, etc etc
- When the user re-opens the App, it detects that there is an event that was not completed (ie S1 was punched but F1 was not) and asks the user if they want to resume.
- If they want to resume, it reloads the last event (map and course) and the punches to date, and resumes tracking for that event.It drops a pin on the map to show that a resume occurred.
Minor bug fixes.
Previous Releases:
20180112 Release 41.2 maprun (Android) 7.0.1 maprun (iOS)
maprun becomes the main App for participants in events:
- Now supports all event types: Score, Scatter, Line Course that were otherwise only available in MyOMaps
- Includes the ability to easily upload your track to your Strava account
- Orange warning message to make it very clear that Start has not been visited; and other controls will not beep/vibrate unless Start has been visited.
- The finish has been streamlined to finish immediately without a prompt for confirmation (Android change to match existing iOS)
- Makes it more difficult to accidently exit the event while you are running (Android)
- Extra Scoring schemes added ScoreN and ScoreG
- Improved results display menu which separates Score Results from Splits.
MapRun is now the main App for runners in pre-organised events, taking over from MyOMaps Club
- MapRun now supports all the formats previously only supported by MyOMaps: Score, Scatter and Line courses
- MapRun now has a menu item on the home screen to access and record GPS tracks (MyTracks mode of MyOMaps)
- Reduced the likelihood of not punching Start before running off on the course
- Large orange warning shown alerting the runner that they have not punched start
- The App does not beep/buzz at controls if the Start hasn’t been punched.
- BackArrow is now disabled on the main running screen. To exit, visit the Finish Control or kill the App. This is to avoid accidentally abandoning your run. (Android only)
- The finish is punched immediately as you approach the finish even if you haven’t visited all controls. There is no confirmation dialog. The implication is: Don’t go near the finish until you want to finish. (This has been the case for iOS to date)
- ScoreV – the bug has been fixed relating to not correctly determining the score event duration
- ScoreG and ScoreN added
- All Score modes now include the logic that if the event time is set to zero (eg ScoreV00), no time penalty is appli
Strava Upload
- After uploading your result, you have the option to also send you track to your Strava account. There are menu items to allow login/logout of you Strava account.
- The menu for results display now separates into three items: local results on the phone; score results on the server; splits results on the server. Display of all runners tracks is still available from a desktop device from
A foreground notification has been added to the Notification Bar (top of the screen) so that reliability of recording in the background is improved on newer versions of Android..
- Removed some unnecessary logging
- Direct connect to repositories jcenter(); mavenCentral(); maven { Google} for library code
- Updated tools to Android Studio 3.0, compileSdkVersion 26, buildToolsVersion '26.0.2'
- The minimum supported version is now SDK 17 - Android 4.2 Jellybean (The minimum was previously SDK 15 - Icecream Sandwich 4.0.3
- Automated Testing Frameworks added for automatic testing
- Default course display in MyTracks move now shows controls but not course lines
- Format of Start and Finish times in Results CSV changed from from mmm:ss to HH:mm:ss
- Fixed crash when backarrow from Results Listing
- Fixed bug where events with a sub-set name may have matched the wrong results in the results listing due to the use of “contains” rather than “equals”
- Fixed bug - Results were not showing green controls for scatter unless we were in “eventMode” from having just run in an event – due to this flag not being set as we entered the results view.
- Changed display of "last control visited" to not be in brackets (for a scatter/score).
For earlier releases, see the Release page on the MyOMaps website.