Scoring Schemes - Predefined Schemes
The pre-defined scoring schemes can continue to be used, as described below. See here for more details on ScoreP.
To setup a score event for MapRun, the course file should contain “PXAS” followed by the name of a scoring scheme eg “ScoreQxx” where xx is the time in minutes. (xx can be 1 or more digits long).
For example Taringa PXAS ScoreQ40.kml is a 40 minute score event (scatter) using ScoreQ scheme.
- “Taringa” – Any name for the event except the filename cannot contain underscore characters (i.e. “_”).
- PXAS” – as described above for scatter events.
- “ScoreQ40” – This is a score event with a 40min time limit, and “Q” designates “Queensland scoring” rules i.e.: The points for a control are the control number rounded down to the nearest multiple of 10 and the penalty for late completion is 30 points per minute (or part thereof).
- Alternative scoring schemes are available as per the table below. For example ScoreV40 has a 40min time limit with “V” designating “Victorian scoring” rules: All controls are worth 20 points and there is a penalty for late completion of 10 point per minute (or part thereof).
- ScoreW (Waikato) has bonus controls, but time-limited:
- Controls 9xx, are 100 points but will not punch in the first 10min or last 10min of the event duration.
- ScoreB introduces the concept of two blocks of controls. See more details below the table.
Scoring per control |
Penalty for late return (per minute or part thereof) |
Notes and Special Conditions |
ScoreVxx (eg Bendigo Park Series) |
20 |
10 |
ScoreQxx(eg Queensland NightNav; MTBO) |
Control number rounded down to the nearest multiple of 10 |
30 |
ScoreWxx (eg Waikato Urban Rogaine) |
Same as ScoreQ except for special conditions |
20 |
Controls 9xx, are 100 points but will not punch in the first 10min or last 10min of the event duration |
ScoreNxx (eg Sydney Summer Series, North Glouchester UK) |
10 for 1-10 20 for 11-20 30 for 21-30 (pattern continues) |
10 |
ScoreGxx (Street-0) |
2 for 1-5 3 for 6-10 4 for 11-15 5 for 16-20 6 for 21-25 (pattern continues) |
3 |
Same as ScoreM except for the penalty |
ScoreMxx (Street-0) |
2 for 1-5 3 for 6-10 4 for 11-15 5 for 16-20 6 for 21-25 (pattern continues) |
2 |
Same as ScoreG except for the penalty |
ScoreBxx (Two Blocks of Controls – useful to increase distance on a small map) |
Control number rounded down to the nearest multiple of 10 |
30 |
Runners punch even numbered controls first and then odd numbered controls (or vice versa). See details below. |
Where xx is time in minutes. It is typically two digits but can be 1 or more digits.
If xx is 00, no time penalty applies
- ScoreB is a time-limited scatter event with two sets of controls (ie of different “parity” - odd numbered and even numbered) on the same map.
- Runners can run either evens or odds first and then the other.
- The runner’s first block is determined by whether two odds or two evens are punched before two of the other (or stated another way, of the first three non-duplicated controls visited, two are even or two are odd).
- The flip to the second block is signalled by visiting two controls in the second block in succession. (ie two odds after an initial block of evens or vice versa)
- Runners don’t need to visit all evens or all odds and could just visit one block of controls.
- Controls of the wrong parity in a block (ie odds visited in an even block and vice versa) do not count towards the points score but can be visited in the correct block for points. These controls are listed as “Extras” in the results table.