General Access to Results
General access to results for the public is available at:
This system is an alternative the RouteGadget system that has been traditionally used by MapRun. It allows for:
- more effective use on the small screens of mobile devices
- display of overview maps of event locations
- the ability to fade the orienteering map away, to see tracks on satellite imagery
This provides a selector for events and then shows results and tracks. It enforces limits on access, if applicable:
- PIN - 4-digit code typically used to keep an event confidential until the scheduled date. This to limit access to tracks (optionally only required up to a particular date-time)
- Display of results and tracks can be limited to particular time-bands.
For a link to a particular event
For displaying results on a Club Website (or similar), links are available either directly to an event or to a set of events.
The format of a link to the results for a particular event is:<EventName>
Optional parameters (separated by ‘&’):
mode=table/tracks (default is table) This can be used to link directly to the view of tracks.
onlyCurrent = true/false (default false) to give results for only events NOT marked as deleted
onlyLatestEvent = true/false (default false) to give only the latest version of the event in the case where the same eventName has been used more than once (this is only relevant if more than one of these have results against them)
comingFromList = true/false (default false) used when coming from List of Events below – to allow back navigation.
Example Aug2022 PXAS PZ300809082022 ScoreQ40&mode=tracks
For events meeting certain criteria
The format of a link to events meeting certain criteria is:
Optional parameters (separated by ‘&’):
daysHistory=x where x is an integer value. The default is 1 day (ie the last 24 hours)
x will be matched to the closest value in the dropdown list (currently: 1, 7, 30 ,90, 365, 730,10000)
where=w where w is a folder path to MapRun events eg UK/London North
eventNameContains=e where e is a text contained in the event name
showMap=true/false (default is false) – to open with the map of the events (instead of the list)
showSelector=true/false (default is false) – If true, the event selector panel is shown, so that the user can change the selections on this page
showDeletedEvents=true/false (default is false)
Example: Events&eventNameContains=Ashgrove&showSelector=true&showMap=true
Results for a Particular Person
The format of a link to results for a particular person is:<firstname>&surname=<surname>&email=<email>
Example:[email protected]
API for Event Results
If results are needed to be post-processed in another results system. Results can be retrieved via an API in JSON format:<Full event name>
(ie a HTTP GET request method)
Example: 02-04-2022 ScorePW65 PXAS PZ0202042022 ScoreG65
This API could be used as an interface to another results system, or can be used to import data into a spreadsheet for further processing.
The recommended version of the API is described here.
Examples of how this API can be used to export results into a spreadsheet are provided here.
Details of Version 1 of the API are available here for those using that version.
Displaying "Custom" Results In MapRun
It is also possible to link directly to "Custom" Results from within MapRun. (MapRun version 7.0.32+). Typically these "Custom" Results will a Google Sheet that is fed from the API above, used to present results such as:
- Summary results over a series of events, or
- Results for teams (where individual results are combined into team results), or
- Some other innovative results calculation such as some handicapping system based on age, gender, night-run vs day-run etc etc.
In the settings for the Event, the MapRun Administrator would include:
- A label to be used for the results, and
- A URL to access the results.
For example, see "NightNav Results" shown in the screen below:
General access to results for the public is available at:
This system is an alternative the RouteGadget system that has been traditionally used by MapRun. It allows for:
- more effective use on the small screens of mobile devices
- display of overview maps of event locations
- the ability to fade the orienteering map away, to see tracks on satellite imagery
This provides a selector for events and then shows results and tracks. It enforces limits on access, if applicable:
- PIN - 4-digit code typically used to keep an event confidential until the scheduled date. This to limit access to tracks (optionally only required up to a particular date-time)
- Display of results and tracks can be limited to particular time-bands.
For a link to a particular event
For displaying results on a Club Website (or similar), links are available either directly to an event or to a set of events.
The format of a link to the results for a particular event is:<EventName>
Optional parameters (separated by ‘&’):
mode=table/tracks (default is table) This can be used to link directly to the view of tracks.
onlyCurrent = true/false (default false) to give results for only events NOT marked as deleted
onlyLatestEvent = true/false (default false) to give only the latest version of the event in the case where the same eventName has been used more than once (this is only relevant if more than one of these have results against them)
comingFromList = true/false (default false) used when coming from List of Events below – to allow back navigation.
Example Aug2022 PXAS PZ300809082022 ScoreQ40&mode=tracks
For events meeting certain criteria
The format of a link to events meeting certain criteria is:
Optional parameters (separated by ‘&’):
daysHistory=x where x is an integer value. The default is 1 day (ie the last 24 hours)
x will be matched to the closest value in the dropdown list (currently: 1, 7, 30 ,90, 365, 730,10000)
where=w where w is a folder path to MapRun events eg UK/London North
- if the path fails to match a folder on the server, only the first part of the path that does match is used ie UK/Lindon would match to just UK
eventNameContains=e where e is a text contained in the event name
showMap=true/false (default is false) – to open with the map of the events (instead of the list)
showSelector=true/false (default is false) – If true, the event selector panel is shown, so that the user can change the selections on this page
showDeletedEvents=true/false (default is false)
Example: Events&eventNameContains=Ashgrove&showSelector=true&showMap=true
Results for a Particular Person
The format of a link to results for a particular person is:<firstname>&surname=<surname>&email=<email>
Example:[email protected]
API for Event Results
If results are needed to be post-processed in another results system. Results can be retrieved via an API in JSON format:<Full event name>
(ie a HTTP GET request method)
Example: 02-04-2022 ScorePW65 PXAS PZ0202042022 ScoreG65
This API could be used as an interface to another results system, or can be used to import data into a spreadsheet for further processing.
The recommended version of the API is described here.
Examples of how this API can be used to export results into a spreadsheet are provided here.
Details of Version 1 of the API are available here for those using that version.
Displaying "Custom" Results In MapRun
It is also possible to link directly to "Custom" Results from within MapRun. (MapRun version 7.0.32+). Typically these "Custom" Results will a Google Sheet that is fed from the API above, used to present results such as:
- Summary results over a series of events, or
- Results for teams (where individual results are combined into team results), or
- Some other innovative results calculation such as some handicapping system based on age, gender, night-run vs day-run etc etc.
In the settings for the Event, the MapRun Administrator would include:
- A label to be used for the results, and
- A URL to access the results.
For example, see "NightNav Results" shown in the screen below:
In the results display (on the web), when an event is selected that has a link to "Custom" Results, the user can select from a menu, as shown below.
Please report any issues via email to: [email protected]