Event Information

This feature is only available to users of MapRun6 - Version 6.5.0+.
To date, additional information about MapRun events has typically been delivered via the website of the club that is organising the events. However, sometimes it has been difficult for Maprun users to be aware of this and to access this information. It can also be difficult to be sure that the information relates to the event they have open on their phone.
If participants start from a Club website, a MapRunLink (especially in QR Code format) can be used to link directly to a specific event in MapRun6. However, if a participant finds the event in the MapRun App, by browsing the event folders, or by using "Events Near Me", there has been no connection back to the website of the organisers (or related documents they may have provided).
This is particularly relevant for “permanent” and “do it yourself” events where there is no organiser on-site to provide assistance.
MapRun now offers a link from an event selected in the MapRun6 App to web-pages or documents related to that event, as setup by the MapRun Administrator publishing the Event.
The type of information typically provided is:
MapRun6 (version 6.5.0+) now provides users with:
To date, additional information about MapRun events has typically been delivered via the website of the club that is organising the events. However, sometimes it has been difficult for Maprun users to be aware of this and to access this information. It can also be difficult to be sure that the information relates to the event they have open on their phone.
If participants start from a Club website, a MapRunLink (especially in QR Code format) can be used to link directly to a specific event in MapRun6. However, if a participant finds the event in the MapRun App, by browsing the event folders, or by using "Events Near Me", there has been no connection back to the website of the organisers (or related documents they may have provided).
This is particularly relevant for “permanent” and “do it yourself” events where there is no organiser on-site to provide assistance.
MapRun now offers a link from an event selected in the MapRun6 App to web-pages or documents related to that event, as setup by the MapRun Administrator publishing the Event.
The type of information typically provided is:
- a printable map (as a PDF file),
- a general description of the event (length, difficulty etc),
- details of the club organising the event, and
- details of the precise start location.
MapRun6 (version 6.5.0+) now provides users with:
- an “Event Info” button that displays on the Home screen of the App after selecting an event (For those events that have additional event info.)
- this will take the user to a screen that gives access to the event information that has been set up by the Administrator of the event.

The MapRun Administrator, can set up this information either as:
Option 1 provides a specific link from MapRun to the matching event information in situ on a website, without changing how this information is currently provided.
In Option 2, MapRun provides a repository for the event information in PDF format, and as outlined below, Club websites can link to this information if desired.
There is no specific limit set to the number of links or documents (or document size). Documents uploaded to MapRun are stored on Amazon Cloud storage (low cost "infinite" scale). Administrators should however keep content to a "reasonable" scale, as any content needs to be downloaded (typically to a mobile) for use.
The MapRun Administrator has the ability to add/replace or remove this information/links using the "Edit Event" function in the MapRun Console (without affecting the event itself).
If documents are uploaded to the MapRun system, links are available that can be used on Club websites to provide access to the information. The links provided by the MapRun system respect PIN and usage date-range protections. (See more info below).
The information provided, can be displayed in MapRun6 and can be printed if a direct print connection is available on the phone. eg to a printer supporting Apple/Android print. Alternatively, documents can be attached to an email and thereby relayed to a PC/Mac for printing.... or shared via other Apps on the phone.
These documents can also be accessed here on the MapRun website. This will not normally be the initial point of access, but may assist some users with printing and emailing options.
PIN and usage date-range protections apply to files/links that the Administrator marks as "Protected". That is, if a PIN applies to the event, and has not expired, the user will be prompted to enter the PIN before being able to access the PDF file or link. If a date-range for participation has been set for the event, the file/link will only be available within that time window. These restrictions apply in all modes of access (ie within the MapRun6 App, on the MapRun Website, or via the link to the MapRun event from a Club Website). As an example, this allows an Administrator to publish an event with a PIN that secures the event until next weekend, and the Administrator will be able to publish a printable map (PDF) at the same time and it will similarly be protected by the PIN.
For this feature to operate, Administrators should tick the "Protect" checkbox when adding file/link. This checkbox is editable at any time in the "Edit Event" function.
If/when an event is deleted, any documents are removed, although users who have a copy of the event on their phone, may try to access the documents and will be given an error message.
The validity of links to websites, and their longevity, is outside of the control of the MapRun system, and so can't be guaranteed.
Information Links vs Information Documents
Using either Links or Documents both have the advantage of making it convenient for users who open an event in MapRun6 to find the associated information. Information can be kept confidential with the PIN for the Event, and is only accessible within the allowed window of time.
Using links to webpages, means that current practices don't need to change, assuming clubs are publishing event information on their website. Links from MapRun will respect the PIN and date range, but direct access to the Map on the website may leave a gap in this protection (if PINs and date ranges are relevant for that Club).
Documents uploaded to MapRun allow the information for the event to be "bundled" with the Event itself on the MapRun server at the time of publishing the event. This provides the most direct connection between the information and the event and so minimises the chance of incorrect or out-of-date information (or broken links).
Administrators can choose on an event by event basis to use Links or Documents or a combination of the two.
- links to a website, or
- by uploading PDF documents to the MapRun system. Documents need to be in PDF format and can be multi-page, however embedded links in PDF documents will only work if the user opens the document in a "full-featured" PDF reader App on their device.
Option 1 provides a specific link from MapRun to the matching event information in situ on a website, without changing how this information is currently provided.
In Option 2, MapRun provides a repository for the event information in PDF format, and as outlined below, Club websites can link to this information if desired.
There is no specific limit set to the number of links or documents (or document size). Documents uploaded to MapRun are stored on Amazon Cloud storage (low cost "infinite" scale). Administrators should however keep content to a "reasonable" scale, as any content needs to be downloaded (typically to a mobile) for use.
The MapRun Administrator has the ability to add/replace or remove this information/links using the "Edit Event" function in the MapRun Console (without affecting the event itself).
If documents are uploaded to the MapRun system, links are available that can be used on Club websites to provide access to the information. The links provided by the MapRun system respect PIN and usage date-range protections. (See more info below).
The information provided, can be displayed in MapRun6 and can be printed if a direct print connection is available on the phone. eg to a printer supporting Apple/Android print. Alternatively, documents can be attached to an email and thereby relayed to a PC/Mac for printing.... or shared via other Apps on the phone.
These documents can also be accessed here on the MapRun website. This will not normally be the initial point of access, but may assist some users with printing and emailing options.
PIN and usage date-range protections apply to files/links that the Administrator marks as "Protected". That is, if a PIN applies to the event, and has not expired, the user will be prompted to enter the PIN before being able to access the PDF file or link. If a date-range for participation has been set for the event, the file/link will only be available within that time window. These restrictions apply in all modes of access (ie within the MapRun6 App, on the MapRun Website, or via the link to the MapRun event from a Club Website). As an example, this allows an Administrator to publish an event with a PIN that secures the event until next weekend, and the Administrator will be able to publish a printable map (PDF) at the same time and it will similarly be protected by the PIN.
For this feature to operate, Administrators should tick the "Protect" checkbox when adding file/link. This checkbox is editable at any time in the "Edit Event" function.
If/when an event is deleted, any documents are removed, although users who have a copy of the event on their phone, may try to access the documents and will be given an error message.
The validity of links to websites, and their longevity, is outside of the control of the MapRun system, and so can't be guaranteed.
Information Links vs Information Documents
Using either Links or Documents both have the advantage of making it convenient for users who open an event in MapRun6 to find the associated information. Information can be kept confidential with the PIN for the Event, and is only accessible within the allowed window of time.
Using links to webpages, means that current practices don't need to change, assuming clubs are publishing event information on their website. Links from MapRun will respect the PIN and date range, but direct access to the Map on the website may leave a gap in this protection (if PINs and date ranges are relevant for that Club).
Documents uploaded to MapRun allow the information for the event to be "bundled" with the Event itself on the MapRun server at the time of publishing the event. This provides the most direct connection between the information and the event and so minimises the chance of incorrect or out-of-date information (or broken links).
Administrators can choose on an event by event basis to use Links or Documents or a combination of the two.
Example Admin Console Screen for setting up Event Information
Typical Scenarios
For a weekly Club Event at a fixed time each week there may be no need to publish a printable Map, just general information about the event or the series of events. Some Clubs encourage runners to use past events after the first "official" use. In this case publishing a printable Map for use after the first official use can be helpful.
For a weekly Club Event which is open for an extended time (eg do-it-any-time during the week, or during Covid-19 lockdowns), publishing a printable Map file is useful. If there is a PIN or an allowed time window, the Administrator should set the documents/links as "Protected" so that the user will need to use the PIN to access the information.
For "Permanent Orienteering Courses", there will probably not be a PIN and publishing a Map and any Event Information that is readily available from MapRun6 will have benefits.
For examples of Events that have "Event Information", in the MapRun6 App:
An example of a link that could be used on a Club Website to link directly to the printable map in the case above (whilst still prompting for the PIN) is: https://eventinfo.maprun.net/#/eID?event=Gap Park PIN 2 PXAS PZ0701122024 ScoreQ01&info=Printable Map&type=doc
(The PIN is 2614).
Finally, the links and documents relating to an event are available via:
- this website, from the Events page and
- from the MapRun Console, with a new publicly-available menu item "Get Event Info" (use the filter to search for an event)
I am expecting that the majority of users will access this information from within the MapRun6 App and not via these two webpages.
Known Limitations
Old Events (2019 and prior): To add Event Info to existing events, use "Edit Event". However, for very old events (roughly 2019 and prior, before the use of MapRunF and the "new" Admin Console), it is necessary to ensure that you have a copy of the original KMZ and KML files, then delete the existing event, and recreate it with the same files. During this process you will be able to add Event Information.
Sorting of Information Items: Currently information items (Links and Docs) are listed in the order in which they were added and there is no ability to sort the items.
For a weekly Club Event at a fixed time each week there may be no need to publish a printable Map, just general information about the event or the series of events. Some Clubs encourage runners to use past events after the first "official" use. In this case publishing a printable Map for use after the first official use can be helpful.
For a weekly Club Event which is open for an extended time (eg do-it-any-time during the week, or during Covid-19 lockdowns), publishing a printable Map file is useful. If there is a PIN or an allowed time window, the Administrator should set the documents/links as "Protected" so that the user will need to use the PIN to access the information.
For "Permanent Orienteering Courses", there will probably not be a PIN and publishing a Map and any Event Information that is readily available from MapRun6 will have benefits.
For examples of Events that have "Event Information", in the MapRun6 App:
- Tap "Select Event" then "Queensland", then "MapRun Parks Qld", then select any one of the events. You will find these events have both information links and an information document (a printable map).
- For an example that uses the "protection" feature, tap "Select Event" then "ZZ Testing" then "AutoTest" then "Gap Park PIN 2". When accessing the associated event information, some items will prompt for the PIN. The PIN in this case is: 2614.
An example of a link that could be used on a Club Website to link directly to the printable map in the case above (whilst still prompting for the PIN) is: https://eventinfo.maprun.net/#/eID?event=Gap Park PIN 2 PXAS PZ0701122024 ScoreQ01&info=Printable Map&type=doc
(The PIN is 2614).
Finally, the links and documents relating to an event are available via:
- this website, from the Events page and
- from the MapRun Console, with a new publicly-available menu item "Get Event Info" (use the filter to search for an event)
I am expecting that the majority of users will access this information from within the MapRun6 App and not via these two webpages.
Known Limitations
Old Events (2019 and prior): To add Event Info to existing events, use "Edit Event". However, for very old events (roughly 2019 and prior, before the use of MapRunF and the "new" Admin Console), it is necessary to ensure that you have a copy of the original KMZ and KML files, then delete the existing event, and recreate it with the same files. During this process you will be able to add Event Information.
Sorting of Information Items: Currently information items (Links and Docs) are listed in the order in which they were added and there is no ability to sort the items.
Please report any issues via email to: [email protected]