MapRunLink - Providing a web link directly to a MapRun Event
MapRun6 Version 6.3.6 introduced "MapRunLink", the ability to provide an event link on any website to a MapRun Event. When this link is tapped, the MapRun6 App will launch with that event loaded automatically. All the runner needs to do is to then tap "Go to Start" when they are ready to go.
MapRun version 7 can be used for MapRunLinks originally published for MapRun6. The behaviour is different on Androids vs iPhones. On Androids, if MapRun version 7 is installed it should open (but there are Android settings relating to default Apps for links that could change this). On iPhones MapRun version 7 will open only if MapRun6 has been uninstalled (otherwise MapRun6 will always open).
As organisers start to use features that are only available in MapRun7, MapRun version 7.1+ introduces a MapRunLink format that opens only MapRun version 7.1+. That is, if the organiser uses this MapRunLink format, then either MapRun version 7 will open OR the user will be prompted to install MapRun version 7.
MapRunLinks streamline the process for runners, as organisers can publish MapRunLinks and they do not need to describe the name and folder of their events. Runners don't need to browse through Event Folders in MapRun to open the event.
A QR Code containing this MapRunLink can also be used. When the QR Code is read by the phone, MapRun6 will launch with that event loaded automatically. Organisers can use whatever QR Code generator they prefer to create a QR Code for the MapRunLink URL.
Some Organisers are including a MapRunLink QR Code on their printed maps, to make it easy for participants to open the MapRun App in the event that corresponds with that map.
Demonstration Page
See a demonstration of MapRunLink at
A web page modelled on this page can be published on the Club Website (or similar).
See a demonstration QR Code below:
MapRun version 7 can be used for MapRunLinks originally published for MapRun6. The behaviour is different on Androids vs iPhones. On Androids, if MapRun version 7 is installed it should open (but there are Android settings relating to default Apps for links that could change this). On iPhones MapRun version 7 will open only if MapRun6 has been uninstalled (otherwise MapRun6 will always open).
As organisers start to use features that are only available in MapRun7, MapRun version 7.1+ introduces a MapRunLink format that opens only MapRun version 7.1+. That is, if the organiser uses this MapRunLink format, then either MapRun version 7 will open OR the user will be prompted to install MapRun version 7.
MapRunLinks streamline the process for runners, as organisers can publish MapRunLinks and they do not need to describe the name and folder of their events. Runners don't need to browse through Event Folders in MapRun to open the event.
A QR Code containing this MapRunLink can also be used. When the QR Code is read by the phone, MapRun6 will launch with that event loaded automatically. Organisers can use whatever QR Code generator they prefer to create a QR Code for the MapRunLink URL.
Some Organisers are including a MapRunLink QR Code on their printed maps, to make it easy for participants to open the MapRun App in the event that corresponds with that map.
Demonstration Page
See a demonstration of MapRunLink at
A web page modelled on this page can be published on the Club Website (or similar).
See a demonstration QR Code below:
Constructing a MapRunLink (for MapRun6 or MapRun version 7+)
A MapRunLink is of the following format URL (Universal Resource Locator):
- XXXX is the EventId of a published MapRun event.
- YYYYYY is an authorisation code, which is used by MapRun to control access to this feature to principally to avoid MapRun being "spammed".
The MapRunLink for an event can be obtained by the Administrator for the event, from the MapRun Console. Either note the MapRunLink provided when an event is published or go to > Events > Display MapRunLink for Event.
A sample link as used in the demonstration above is:
Constructing a MapRunLink (for MapRun version 7+)
The MapRunLink for MapRun version 7 is of the following format URL (Universal Resource Locator):
- NNNN is the name of a published MapRun event.
- YYYYYY is an authorisation code, which is used by MapRun to control access to this feature to principally to avoid MapRun being "spammed".
The MapRunLink for an event can be obtained by the Administrator for the event, from the MapRun Console. Either note the MapRunLink provided when an event is published or go to > Events > Display MapRunLink for Event.
A sample link for MapRun version 7 is: Park Feb2023 PXAS PZ300828022023 ScoreQ40&auth=26381
A MapRunLink is of the following format URL (Universal Resource Locator):
- XXXX is the EventId of a published MapRun event.
- YYYYYY is an authorisation code, which is used by MapRun to control access to this feature to principally to avoid MapRun being "spammed".
The MapRunLink for an event can be obtained by the Administrator for the event, from the MapRun Console. Either note the MapRunLink provided when an event is published or go to > Events > Display MapRunLink for Event.
A sample link as used in the demonstration above is:
Constructing a MapRunLink (for MapRun version 7+)
The MapRunLink for MapRun version 7 is of the following format URL (Universal Resource Locator):
- NNNN is the name of a published MapRun event.
- YYYYYY is an authorisation code, which is used by MapRun to control access to this feature to principally to avoid MapRun being "spammed".
The MapRunLink for an event can be obtained by the Administrator for the event, from the MapRun Console. Either note the MapRunLink provided when an event is published or go to > Events > Display MapRunLink for Event.
A sample link for MapRun version 7 is: Park Feb2023 PXAS PZ300828022023 ScoreQ40&auth=26381
Creating a MapRunLink QR Code
You can use any QR code creator to convert the MapRunLink URL into a QR Code.
A simple QR code is provided for download when an event is published, but different formats/logo's/sizes etc are also possible.
For specific instructions see this page.
What Happens If?
What happens if someone clicks on the link in the following situations?
Click on MapRunLink on a Computer: The link goes to a simple page saying that MapRun6 is not installed on this device. Try the link on your iPhone or Android. Install links for MapRun6 are included on the page.
Tap on MapRunLink on iPhone or Android but:
- MapRun6 of version 6.3.6+ is not installed: The link goes to the same page as above.
MapRunLinks do NOT recognise the older Apps: MapRun (original versions < version 7) or MapRunF.
MapRun6 may already be running on the device when a MapRunLink is tapped. This is not uncommon as often users don't shutdown Apps, but rather just leave them in the background. In such cases, MapRun6 returns to the home screen and loads the nominated event.
If a runner has not entered their personal details when they tap "Go To Start", they will be prompted to enter their personal details before they can open the event. (This is unchanged from the usual operation of MapRun6).
For runners who want to use MapRunG on their Garmin Watch, they need to select "Options and Settings" and change to Watch Mode, then they can tap "Send Event to my Garmin Watch". (This is unchanged from the usual operation of MapRun6).
Following are "random" test links which may (or may not) link to selected events.
For more information, please email: [email protected]