Event Types
The name of the course file (KML) that is published to the server sets:
For all filenames in MapRun (KMZ and KML):
- Avoid punctuation characters: full-stop '.', comma ',', colon and semicolon ':;'
- Also avoid brackets '({[]})'
- Also avoid underscore '_' as this has special significance in the system (and will generally be changed to space if detected)
Course names should be constructed as follows:
MapRun supports the following event types, which are set by including the relevant code in the course file name:
Other codes:
- the name of the event as listed:
- In the events list in MapRun, and in
- In the results listings
For all filenames in MapRun (KMZ and KML):
- Avoid punctuation characters: full-stop '.', comma ',', colon and semicolon ':;'
- Also avoid brackets '({[]})'
- Also avoid underscore '_' as this has special significance in the system (and will generally be changed to space if detected)
Course names should be constructed as follows:
- The first part of the filename (up to where the codes start) should be able to be used as a short description of the event.
- In some places MapRun hides the codes and so the first part of the file name needs to be descriptive enough stand-alone
- The second part should contain the codes separated by spaces.
MapRun supports the following event types, which are set by including the relevant code in the course file name:
- Line Course - traditional orienteering format, with the winner being the fastest to visit the controls in the defined sequence (Code: PXAC)
- Scatter - visit ALL controls in any order, with the winner having the fastest time. (Code: PXAS)
- Scatter (Specific Number) - visit the designated number of controls (from a larger set), with the winner having the fastest time eg any 16 controls out of 20. (Code: PXASxx where xx would be 16 in this example).
- Score - visit as many controls as possible in a defined time period, gaining points per control, with the winner having the highest points score. (Code: ScoreXyyy - where ScoreX is described at Scoring Schemes and yyy is the time in minutes).
- Start Anywhere - In addition to any of the above event types, the organiser can designate an event, where runners start and finish control is the first control that they first visit. The course is dynamically reconfigured as soon as the runner visits the first control. See more details. Runners need to use MapRunF 4.8.8 or later (MapRun6 is the preferred App).
- Note that you may see old events containing codes PXUC, PXUS instead of PXAC and PXAS. These signify "User Punching" rather that "Auto Punching". AutoPunching has now been adopted as standard, and User Punching (where the user needed to tap a button at each control site) is being dis-continued.
Other codes:
- PIN for Confidentiality:
- If the course file name includes “PZ” there is a PIN on this event. That is, a code that needs to be entered on each phone before the course can be displayed. The map is still visible without the PIN, but not the course. If the PZ is followed by a time and date of the format: “PZHHDDMMYYYY” there is a PIN on this event up to HH hours (00 to 23) on day DD of Month MM in Year YYYY. The time is a UTC/GMT time NOT a local time.
- The time is typically set as the time of the end of the start window, so that after that time, it is not necessary to remember (or know) a PIN.
- PINs are automatically determined based on the filename. They are not stored by the server or the App. The PIN for an event can be determined by Administrators using a function on the MapRun Admin Page.
- PINs restrict access to the course in both the App and RouteGadget (used to display the course for results).
- For more details of PINs click here
- Mass Start is designated by the inclusion of a code: MXxx
- MapRunG (Garmin Watch) does NOT implement Mass Start, but Runners can do a normal punching start in an MX event.
- Normally each runner's time starts when they have tapped "Goto Start" and the GPS detects that they are are the start.
- In the case of a Mass Start, the timer starts for ALL runners at the designated start time (event if they are not at the Start). This is normally after a defined time interval to peruse the Map and Course.
- The Mass Start time is set by the PZHHDDMMYYYY code
- The Perusal Time is set by the MXxx code, being xx minutes
- The following description relates to an event with a 7:00pm Mass Start time with 5 mins of perusal
- Runners should select the event, tap "Goto Start" and assemble at the Start location
- When the runner taps “Go to Start” – if it is after 6:55pm the App shows the course and map otherwise it prompts for a PIN
- At 6:55pm the map and course are displayed and a countdown timer shows the time remaining until the Mass Start.
- At 7:00pm the App punches the Start (Beep and Vibrate) and the race timer starts for all runners.
- For runners arriving at the event late, once they tap "Goto Start", start will punch immediately (however if they are more than one hour late to the start, the event will then be a normal GPS-based punching start)
- For runners who need to start early, the organiser can provide the PIN and they can start early using a normal GPS-based punching start.
- Location Visible Mode:
- Normally, the runner's location is shown by a blue dot ONLY up the time that they punch the Start. Displaying the location up to this point helps confirm that the GPS has a fix.
- Appending a "V" to the PX code eg "PXACV" or "PXASV" means that the App continues to show this blue dot for the entire event.
- This can be useful:
- when MapRun is being use to time an event such as a Trail Run, where navigation is not part of the challenge, or
- when someone is checking a course and it is useful to continue for them to see their current location.
- Silent Mode
- Including the code "NXOFF" means that MapRun does not give an audible or vibration alert at a control. Otherwise the punching logic continues to operate normally.