Check Sites
The MapRunF version of MapRun includes a feature to allow any user to use the App to assist in ensuring the accuracy of control placements for "conventional" Orienteering events.
When placing controls in the forest for a "conventional" orienteering event, it is important to place controls accurately.
With MapRunF you can publish a confidential copy of your map (and optionally your control locations) to MapRun.
You will be provided with a 6-digit code to access the map you upload in MapRun App (on iOS or Android).
MapRun will show your current location on your map as you visit controls sites so that you can confirm the accuracy of control placements.
When placing controls in the forest for a "conventional" orienteering event, it is important to place controls accurately.
With MapRunF you can publish a confidential copy of your map (and optionally your control locations) to MapRun.
You will be provided with a 6-digit code to access the map you upload in MapRun App (on iOS or Android).
MapRun will show your current location on your map as you visit controls sites so that you can confirm the accuracy of control placements.
For more information, please email: [email protected]